Friday, August 30, 2013

First comes the call

I got a job! School starts in 4 days and the call just came in. This results in initial excitement (yay money!) followed by panic and stress (I don't have anything to fill a classroom; I have to plan a curriculum; what am I going to do with them on the first day?!? Here kids, just color for 7 hours.)

I'm taking a Grade 3/4 split which adds more panic. How do I teach 2 curriculums?! I'm trying to keep in mind what my vice-principal last year said: "It doesn't matter what you teach them, it matters what skills they learn." The skills they learn can be applied to any thing they learn.

Also...after many years of working retail and mindless jobs, I find it more than a little bizarre that you are just plunked into a classroom and told "Go." People tell me "Oh Rochelle, you had practicums, that was your training." But that was in December! I've just been sitting around watching old episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer since then! 

Today is Day 1. One day at a time!

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