Monday, December 23, 2013


Well hello there. Has it been that long? I suppose it has.

Christmas Break officially started today. Hurray! And even though I fended every possible cold that first year teachers catch during school...I am now sick. Ah well. 

November and December were busy. Progress Reports were written, parents (some) came in for Celebration of Learning, Christmas concerts, pajama days, trying to keep the students busy without teaching them something new that they'll promptly forget on their break. It was lovely (/end sarcasm). 

November and December were also rough. I met with a mentor during the last week before the break, and she showed me a picture of the yearly cycle of a teacher's emotions. It was spot on. She said "Right now, you're probably feeling Disillusionment." And I was! I was certain that I had screwed this year up fantastically and there was no way that I was going to get a probationary contract out of it. And she said "You're probably questioning your career choice." And I was! That morning I drove by McDonald's and saw their "Hiring" sign, and thought....Yeah I could do that again...for the rest of my life...

It was comforting to know that this is something that most teachers go through during the year, and that as I gain more experience, my disillusionment valley won't be so deep. 

So what stage is next? Well, that's Rejuvenation. So I will take some time and rest, and come back refocused and re-energized. I type this as I sit in my classroom trying to plan for January. You can't win them all I suppose.